Life is real

Parenthood Vs Life

Mental Health See-Saw

What was your life like before having children?

Many people would describe it as existence blossoming with freedom, blessed with blissful nights, financial liberation and self- centred approach.

I would say-  unappreciated HEAVEN.

What is your life like now?

My life appears as emotional mayhem filled with love & various responsibilities which I would not trade for anything else in the world. It’s a self- discovery journey often flooded with tears and laughter. I’m not perfect by any means, half of the time I may appear confident knowing what I’m doing but in my oh so caring, bum pinching reality I poop my pants with fear of not doing the right thing. I’m sure I’m not the only being on this planet who feels this way so CHEERS to PARENTHOOD and its PERKS.

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The Modern World

Life is real, Uncategorized

Why the modern world is so unfair?

Mental Health See-Saw

Simple and non materialistic things are what matters the most in this life. They enrich your life in many wonderful ways. They say- ‘Love and live because you are truly blessed’ BUT when you lack financial means all of the sudden you and your family’s mental and physical wellbeing is at risk.

There are so many loving and good hearted families with no money. Love for eachother is the only thing which keeps them from giving up. Parents put on a brave face often skipping a meal in order to feed their children. They work hard, they are honest, worried and anxious about tommorow yet they manage to smile for the sake of their children.

They say-‘Live in the present moment.’ Well, that’s a great approach but when you have children you must plan ahead otherwise your children may suffer and you don’t want that to happen. I wish life…

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Reality Vs Expectations

The world

Mental health management and help provided by the healthcare system.

Mental Health See-Saw

Reality vs expectations pose a big dilemma…. surely something to think about.

Do we love the world we live in? Or we’d rather escape in to the land of eternal madness. I must admit, I’d love the other option to be available because I don’t understand this world anymore. I’m not the first or the last person to admit the fact that the mental health ignorance, injustice, violence, and political games disgust me. It makes us put different masks on in order to thrive and survive among sharks in this world. I truly admire musicians who spread the message about the reality of this world through their music without carefully threading words.


System of Down


Controversial, full of feelings, anger and emotions lyrics are often questioned by others who wrongly interpret them because how wrong is to speak up the truth or criticise precisely sculpured modern society.


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Demanding Innocence?

Life is real

An emotionally moving journey called

Mental Health See-Saw

Violence and intrusion

A Moment of Confusion

This is the moment i feared

My Cry, you cannot hear


A hold you had on me

A firm and fearful grasp

You coward behind me

Beneath your dark, black mask


The others you saw

They wanted to run

My heart pumping away

I felt weak, like a dying sun


We still could not move it

We had to go back again

Your black shroud, controlling

Hurting, fellow men


Possessed by urge

You reached your point

Again you wanted me

Again you urged me

Again you killed me


The door was open

You grabbed the prize

I lie there, such horror have I seen

I wait there, for my cries to be heard

I stay there for days, haunted by you


I want to leave…..

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An Update

Live Updates

I’ve been absent for over two weeks !!! First of all, I want to say I was so looking forward to spending last week at work awaiting Christmas like an average human being but (instead) I ended up having sinusitis & flu all together winning a one week sick note ( my first sick note from GP in my entire life). I recovered slowly… but steady. Second of all, my plans of sorting out the house for Christmas and cooking a great meal which I could present to other fellow creatures walked away from me due to my poor health. So what? We still had a great time being buried under a ton of used tissues courtesy of me. Then, the Christmas came and my partner proposed. Yessss, Goldilocks Exterminators are engaged !!! It was the most beautiful moment which I’m going to cherish for the rest of my life !!!

Happy Belated Christmas and Happy New Year Dear People xxx

The Power of Inner- Strength

Precious Experiences

You are special and unique. You have the inner-strenght which constantly helps you to face various positive & negative occurrences life . Don’t give up, take care of yourself and be patient. People say – ‘ Constant is only change.’ Imagine to be a plant which sprouts from the tree trunk of problems beaming with joy & happiness after the storm.

Bonnie’s Thoughts

Precious Experiences

Bonnie says- ‘ Dear People get outside, smell the air and feel the breeze, notice colours and various details in the surrounding environment. Most of all, ignore toxic and pathetic creatures who compensate their unhappiness & boredom with being overly curious about other people’s lives.’